
WSOC has a vision of the world where the sanctity of childhood is protected, the unique gifts of each student are respected, and graduates embrace the future as engaged global citizens.



“我们最大的努力必须是培养自由的人类,使他们能够为自己的生活赋予目标和方向. 想象力的需要, 一种真实感, and a feeling of responsibility – these three forces are the very nerve of education.”

—Rudolf Steiner, Founder, Waldorf Education





澳门棋牌网站(WSOC)邀请您探索从幼儿到高中的华德福课程.  Our mission is to provide a comprehensive education that engages the child cognitively, 积极地,情绪化地. We recognize and welcome the unique gifts brought by each child we serve, encourage independent thinking and imagination, 培养对学习的终身热爱.

我们六年级的地质小组“砰”的一声结束了,学生们开始了他们期待已久的以世界各地著名火山为模型的火山项目, from Mauna Lea in Hawaii to Krakatoa in Indonesia. Our students spend weeks constructing each volcano, along with conducting multiple experimentations to showcase lava eruptions. Surrounded by their classmates and community, our students gave a brief talk about their chosen volcano, 它的特点和形成方式, and then demonstrated the most exciting part–the “lava” flow.

发育, the geology block and volcano experiment is an apt metaphor for the middle school student. Waldorf Education founder Rudolf Steiner noted that it is not until the age of 12 that a child can grasp causality or cause and effect; this ability opens up a new way to approach subject matter. 在地质, 例如, the sixth graders not only sharpen their observations of the world around them, but also study how the movement of the earth changes the landscape and its inhabitants, and how our actions in the present will shape the world in the future.

米迦勒节这个古老的节日是在北半球夏至和冬至之间庆祝的, 9月29日. 这是圣. 米迦勒——犹太教的大天使, 基督教和伊斯兰教——但是这个节日是所有信仰和精神道路的人都可以庆祝的. A favorite 迈克尔mas story in the Waldorf education tradition depicts St. George taming a dragon with the sword of justice, given to him by the Archangel St. 迈克尔. The festival is a celebration of strength and courage, 这是一个思考和面对我们内心的龙的时间,培养我们需要的坚韧来发展一种有弹性的自我意识.

在WSOC, 我们的小学生参加一系列有趣的户外活动,由我们的高中生设置,挑战他们的思想和身体. Our high school students, one representing St. 迈克尔, lead the community in challenges and songs and provide a loving presence for their brave charges. 庆祝活动的高潮是我们二年级的学生勇敢地进入龙穴,拿回他们来之不易的勇气的特殊象征.

To celebrate the first official WSOC Spirit Day of the 2024-25 school year, we are having a flash sale on all of our @created.公司营销! Go to our square site and enter WSOCSPIRIT at checkout to save 20% off your entire order. 生物链接 ...

Welcome, dear families, to the new school year!
Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions a parent makes in shaping a child’s life. 在WSOC, our philosophy and values respect the natural development of children, 不仅仅是作为学生, 但是作为人类.

今天是美丽的4月4日! ...

Week 1 of the Wildcat Grades Summer Camp was a blast!!!


In addition to working with Rolling Robots, the Wildcat Summer Camp Teachers curated an array of scientific experiments! 低年级的营员们建造了意大利面棉花糖结构,并进行了一个“鸡蛋”工程实验. 杰伊爬上护理大楼,把鸡蛋放在防止蛋壳破裂的容器里扔. 这个星期的高潮是高年级营员自己制作的木偶戏(哦,别忘了滑滑梯和冰淇淋甜筒)!).

Looking for the perfect summer experience for your family? Are you curious to learn more about Waldorf Education? From exciting outdoor activities to creative arts, crafts, and even parent & child camps for toddlers and their caregivers, we have a camp experience for you! Register now through our website (link in bio). 名额有限,请立即报名! ...

WSOC celebrates our LGBTQ+ community this Pride Month! ...

We could not be more proud of our recent graduates! 言语无法表达我们对你们的思念,也无法表达我们对你们所有人的爱. 祝贺2024届毕业生! ...

结束了! 今天是我们23-24学年的最后一天,我们很难和彼此说再见!

今晚, 我们尊重我们的八年级学生和家庭,因为他们离开年级,升入高中. 明天,我们庆祝我们的12年级毕业生,因为他们期待着未来令人兴奋的冒险. 这是多么美好的一年啊!

Please join us this Friday for an evening of art and music! ...

你体验过欧律忒弥斯的欢乐吗? 这里是WSOC, our students are blessed with biweekly lessons led by our two dedicated Eurythmy teachers.

你会问,欧律弥斯是什么? 让我们的学生来解释! #和谐# waldorfeducation

All of our students from Grades 4 through 8 practice an instrument for the orchestra or the band. They learn to site read and play in an ensemble. Months of study, effort and energy result in the annual Spring Concert. 4-8年级的学生音乐家们为观众献上了贝多芬的精彩作品, Wolfhart, 德沃夏克, J. 威廉姆斯 & 亨德尔(举几个例子).




